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Are You Financially Organized?

OK, this question conjures up a number of images and questions. The initial answer is, “I don’t know. I’m not sure…what is being financially organized anyway?” If the question were asked, “Would you like to be physically fit?” We know the answer.

Let’s explore what being financially organized is all about. It’s all about your assets – how they are created and how they are protected. Everyone wants to have more money, create wealth and be happy. It’s just not easy. We have busy lives with family and work – and time just slips by each day and many times our financial dreams start fading away just like those New Year’s resolutions we make each year. Let’s reduce the question to some financial basis:

Your Investments:

Do your investments match the stage of your life? Younger can be more aggressive – in or nearing retirement more conservative. Are your investments structured for income or growth? Are your investments diversified with cash, stocks, bonds, real estate and alternatives? Do your investments cause you to pay excessive taxes?


Are you taking advantage of all the plans available? You should. When do you plan on retiring? How much income will you need to enjoy it? What will be the source of your income? Years ago, I taught classes at a local university and had a student ask, “Mr. Morrow, when should I start planning my retirement?” My answer was “now.” Think about it.

Income Taxes:

Check your most recent Federal & California income tax returns to see how much you paid last year. Federal is Form 1040 (see line 63) and CA is form 540 (see line 64). Total and divide by 12 to see what you paid, on average, each month last year. Have your Kleenex box nearby. Proper planning might save taxes. Taxes aren’t taxes… taxes are dollars.

Risk Management (Insurance):

Are you properly insured for life insurance, disability, health, long-term care, auto, homeowners, casualty, Umbrella? Best time to know is before it’s needed.

Estate Planning:

When was the last time you reviewed your wills, trusts, powers of attorney for health and legal?


Do you have debt? Check the rates as interest rates are historically low. Do you have good or bad debt? Should you pay off debt or have a mortgage? Everyone should strive to be financially organized. It just makes good financial sense. If you would like to learn more and how to get started, visit and see Find an Advisor link and request our 10-page booklet, Are You Financially Organized? booklet and an Initial Planning Guide.

Just ask – It’s time for you take control and start planning your financial future.